Pi Network Value: How Much Is Pi Crypto Worth?

how much is pi crypto worth

Did you know Pi Network’s peak price soared to $330.651? Founded by two Stanford Ph.Ds, Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis and Dr. Chengdiao Fan, it has caught many eyes. Currently, its price is about $31.591, showing the crypto world’s keen interest. It’s vital to know the Pi crypto price as it saw a 24-hour trade volume of $258,535.29 USD1.

Pi Network is unique as it’s not yet on the mainnet. But, its value, based on IOUs and speculation, still sees highs and lows. Recently, it hit a 24-hour high of $32.56 and a low of $30.921. This demonstrates the interest and potential seen in Pi coin. For the latest news, check out Cryptap.

Key Takeaways

  • Pi Network’s all-time high price reached $330.651
  • Currently, Pi Network is trading around $31.59 with a 24-hour high of $32.561
  • The 24-hour trading volume of Pi Network is $258,535.29 USD1
  • Dr. Nicolas Kokkalis and Dr. Chengdiao Fan founded the Pi Network1
  • Pi Network remains unavailable on mainnet and derives its value from IOUs and market speculation

Introduction to Pi Network

The Pi Network is a new type of mobile-based cryptocurrency started by Stanford graduates. They aim to make mining easy using the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). This platform is getting a lot of attention for making mining as easy as tapping a button on your phone.

Pi Network stands out because of its many user-friendly features. These include mobile apps, the Pi Browser, and a block explorer. These tools help increase the value of Pi Network coin by giving users easy access and clear tracking of transactions.

The platform has different roles for users, like Pioneers, Contributors, Ambassadors, and Nodes. Pioneers mine Pi with the mobile app. Contributors build networks of trusted users. Ambassadors spread the word about the network and grow the user base. Nodes provide the power to check transactions.


The development of Pi Network happens in stages. It’s starting with a testnet phase and plans to move to an open network phase. This aims to increase the value and stability of Pi cryptocurrency and the Pi Network coin. They’re making sure each phase works well and is optimized before letting the public use it. This promises a strong and reliable platform for future users.

In short, Pi Network wants to change how we mine cryptocurrency. They use their mobile mining approach, role-based participation, and staged development. Their goal is to make mining accessible and to keep the value of Pi cryptocurrency stable in the market23.

Current Price of Pi Network

The current price of the Pi Network is now $30.93. In the last 24 hours, it saw a trading volume of about $252,481. This shows it’s quite active in the market2. Another report found the trading volume hit $258,535.29 with a price jump of +1.87%1. Though still in development, the Pi Network’s volume shows it’s gaining investor interest4.

Pi Network Trading Volume

The trading volume of Pi Network has seen significant changes. It reached up to $539,287 in just a day4. This points to robust buying and selling activity. On average, this volume reflects a strong interest in the Pi cryptocurrency, highlighting its liquidity and presence in the market2.

Pi Network Price History

Pi Network’s prices have varied widely. The peak price was $330.65, but it dipped to as low as $17.042. This displays crypto’s well-known volatility. In the past year, its price dropped by 25% and is now 90% below its highest point2. This data shows the ups and downs of Pi crypto amidst changing market trends.

Price Volatility

Pi Network’s price is very volatile. In the last 30 days, its value fell by about 8.76%1. Over 60 and 90 days, the decreases were 22.68% and 17.41%, respectively1. These drops showcase the high-risk nature of investing in Pi Network. The last day alone had a price range from $30.92 to $32.56, underlining its instability1.

Market Sentiment Towards Pi Network

Looking into how people feel about Pi Network uncovers its worth and potential to grow. Right now, the Fear & Greed Index is at 31, showing fear in the market. This worry affects how much people value the pi network coin as they stay cautious about big price changes and risks5.

Fear & Greed Index

The Fear & Greed Index helps investors understand the mood in the crypto world. For Pi Network, this index is at 31, meaning there’s a lot of caution. Knowing this is key as it shapes the public’s view and might influence the pi network coin’s worth. Markets showing fear might be about to have corrections or become very unpredictable6.

User Voting and Sentiments

Platforms like Crypto.com let users vote on their views of Pi Network. The latest data shows opinions are split, leaning slightly towards buying. But, daily and weekly indicators show different moods. Daily stats suggest selling, while weekly figures lean towards buying6. These mixed views show the complex feelings investors have about the pi network coin’s value.

Also, measures of how involved users are, like the number of active nodes and how fast the community is growing, tell us more. Currently, Pi Network has over 60 million supporters, and 13 million have passed the KYC (Know Your Customer) test. This shows strong community involvement and backing7. Such data helps us get a better picture of the market’s feelings and predict what might happen next for Pi Network.

All-Time High and Low Prices

The Pi Network has seen its value go up and down a lot since it started. Its highest price hit a big $330.65. This shows how excited investors can boost the price of pi crypto1. On the flip side, its lowest price fell to $17.04. This drop shows how risky new cryptocurrencies like Pi can be2. These big differences show us how the mood of investors and market changes are important.

When we look at Pi Network’s recent price changes, we see how unpredictable it can be. For example, in 24 hours, its lowest price was $30.92. The highest price during the same period was $32.561. This small difference points to slight changes within a day. But, it also shows how much the price can change over time.

The predictions for pi coin prices are based on past prices. The highest price since the last low of $17.04 was $130.882. This suggests there could be gains despite the ups and downs. Also, Pi Network’s total market value is a huge $3.09T. But, we don’t know how many coins are out there2. This adds to the uncertainty.

By understanding the high and low points and what causes them, we can learn a lot about future prices. For investors, the price of pi crypto shows the possible risks and rewards. Keeping up with trends and market feelings can help guide through the changing world of cryptocurrency.

Pi Network Market Capitalization

Even though we don’t know the exact market cap of Pi Network, it’s key to know its impact. The market cap is the total value of all Pi coins. It shows us Pi Network’s size and importance in the crypto world. When Pi Network goes public, its value could rise, affecting its market price in a good way.

Right now, Pi Network’s price is $30.48, which is a 5.12% drop8. Over the last day, $562,759 worth of Pi was traded, up 80.40%8. This activity hints at future growth and value reassessment. Pi Network stands out by giving a secure and trustworthy platform to its users4.

Let’s look at what makes Pi Network valuable and what it can do right now:

Aspect Details
Current Pi Network Price $30.488
24-hour Trading Volume $562,7598
Maximum Supply 100 billion coins4
Circulating Supply 0 PI8
Market Rank #0 (Relative Market Cap)8

Understanding these key stats is important. It shows how the pi crypto market price could change with Pi Network’s launch. These facts point towards the big potential of Pi Network in the crypto exchanges.

Circulating and Total Supply of Pi Network

The Pi Network has a max of 100 billion coins, with 68 million currently available3. The amount out there for use greatly affects the coin’s value. The exact number of coins in circulation hasn’t been shared. This secrecy influences the coin’s rarity and how easy it is to get.

Right now, the cost of Pi is $42.27, putting it at the 3309th spot in crypto rankings3. Despite a huge possible market value of $3,158.74 billion1, not knowing how many coins are out there makes its price very unstable. Pi’s market value is officially zero because we don’t know how many coins are in use8.

Pi’s 24-hour trade amount is $258,535.291. This shows the coin is very active in the market. Pi once hit a high of $330.65, proving its strong past performance1. Recently, its value went up by 1.87% in just one day, showing growing interest from buyers1.

The total and in-use supply of Pi is very important in seeing the coin’s real worth and how affordable it is8. With $562,759 traded recently, covering 80.40% of its value, it’s clear people are really getting involved8. Keep an eye on these numbers to gauge Pi Network’s true worth and future in the marketplace.

How Much Is Pi Crypto Worth?

The value of Pi Network, or Pi crypto, is still up in the air because its mainnet hasn’t fully launched yet. Right now, trading is limited to IOUs, and prices hover around $30.02 per token9. The Pi network’s value today changes, with prices ranging from $30.92 to $32.56 in a day1.

With the market being unpredictable, Pi crypto’s value could see big changes once the mainnet is up and running. Its 24-hour trading volume is $532.82K9, showing there’s still a lot of trading activity. Plus, the Pi network’s value has gone up by 1.87% in the past day, showing investors are paying attention1.

Pi hit its highest price at $307.49, which is much higher than now9. Its value’s been up and down in the past 24 hours because of how much it’s traded and the market’s mood. It’s hard to say exactly how much Pi is worth until we see real trades on the mainnet.

A look at the stats shows this:

Parameter Value
Current Price $31.59
24h Trading Volume $258,535.29 USD
Market Capitalization $0 USD
All-Time High Price $307.49
Circulating Supply 0
Price Change 24h % -0.9409%

The future market value of Pi crypto is still uncertain, with several factors shaping its current worth. Once the mainnet launches and real trading starts, we’ll get a better idea of Pi’s value91.

Historical Price Trends of Pi Network

The value of Pi Network has seen big ups and downs. For example, daily opening prices swung from $29.57 to $38.59, highlighting the market’s unpredictable swings10. The highest and lowest daily closing prices were $38.59 and $29.59, respectively10. The amount of Pi traded also varied a lot, from about 162,256 to 379,98410. Yet, the overall worth of Pi Network stayed at a steady $0.0010.

In 2022, Pi Network hit its peak at $299.20, showing significant growth2. But then it fell sharply, dropping to as low as $17.04 and losing nearly 90% of its value2. This pattern shows the market’s risky and rewarding sides for investors.

Yearly Performance

Pi Network’s yearly outcomes reveal both big gains and losses. In 2022, forecasts were positive with a 400% increase2. The next year, however, its value plummeted by about 86%, pointing to the crypto market’s high risk2. These shifts show why careful research is essential before investing in Pi.

Quarterly Performance

Quarterly reviews show Pi Network’s price often changes. It usually does best in the fourth quarter, with gains around 199.49%. But in the first quarter, it tends to drop, losing about -31.17%2. Recognizing these patterns can help predict Pi’s future performance.

For those wishing to delve deeper, Pi Network’s historical data provides crucial detail on its price movements and trading volumes10. Studying past trends can give clues about what might happen next with Pi’s price.

Best Exchanges for Trading Pi Network

Pi Network is not yet on big cryptocurrency exchanges. Still, many are excited about its future trading. Binance, Kucoin, and Kraken are top picks for their status and ability to likely add Pi Network once ready.

best exchanges for Pi


Binance stands as a giant in the crypto world, offering a wide range of coins and trading pairs. While Binance does not offer Pi Network trading yet, its well-built system and vast liquidity suggest it might list Pi Network after the mainnet launches11.


Many traders are eager for Pi Network to hit Kucoin. Known for its diverse trading options and fast adoption of new cryptocurrencies, Kucoin is seen as a prime spot for Pi once it’s tradeable1211.


Kraken wins users with top-notch security and an easy-to-use interface. Although Pi Network is not traded there now, Kraken’s potential addition of Pi could draw a crowd eager to invest in pi crypto11.

Pi Network Price Predictions

Lately, there’s been a lot of buzz about Pi coin price predictions. They cover both short and long-term views. Understanding Pi crypto’s value involves several moving parts.

Short-term Predictions

In the short term, Pi Network’s price might swing due to market feelings and upcoming news. Recently, Pi was trading at $30.99, with hopes to hit $65.12 soon13. Early October 2024 could see a -13.39% dip in price. Yet, a surge of 110.13% is possible mid-month13. By October’s end, a 22.67% increase is forecasted13. Also, as of February 29, 2024, Pi’s speculative rate was $34.0214.

Long-term Predictions

Long-term forecasts focus on adoption, tech growth, and market expansion. By 2024’s close, Pi could top $67.7313. Looking ahead, it might pass $79.10 in 202513. By 2026, price ranges could hit a high of $98.80 and a low of $90.47, averaging at $91.9113. In 2027, expect Pi’s value to potentially double, reaching up to $142.0413.

By 2032, Pi could fluctuate between $426.06 and $445.6813. In 2033, predictions show a low of $581.07 and a high of $601.85, with an average of $595.4013. By the end of 2031, it’s expected to stand at an average of $324.0013.

The network’s expansion is backed by over 55 million users mining Pi coins and more than 10 million KYC-verified users by April 202414. This marks a huge rise from 100,000 users in mid-2019 to 29 million active ones by early 202414.

Factors Influencing Pi Network’s Value

The value of Pi cryptocurrency comes from many places, such as how much people want it and new tech in the Pi Network. Knowing about these areas helps us see the pi coin’s present and future value.

Market Demand

How much people want pi crypto greatly affects its market price. The Pi Network’s large community of over 55 million users boosts this demand15. The worth of Pi connects to how its community and ecosystem grow16. More users moving to the Pi Network Mainnet, which grew from 4.6 million to 5.41 million, means the pi coin value is likely to go up15.

Technological Developments

New tech and easier use of the platform also play a big part in the value of pi coin. Better tech within the Pi Network could lead to more people using it, making the pi coin more valuable. The switch to the Pi Network Open Mainnet, set for 2024, could further affect how many adopt the Pi token and its price trends15. The success of Pi depends on keeping the network safe, getting users involved, and what’s happening in the broader market16.

We must keep an eye on these elements as they can either help or damage the crypto’s growth and market stance. Price forecasts for 2024 range between $0.20 to $5.00, based on trading actions. And, long-term expectations reach up to $1,150 by 2030. This makes Pi’s future an exciting topic for investors and fans15.

Safety and Storage of Pi Network

Keeping your Pi Network safe and secure is very important. Like other cryptocurrencies, making sure it’s safely stored is key to keeping its value. It’s crucial to know about the storage options and security steps for users.

Hardware Wallets

Using hardware wallets is a very secure method to store Pi Network. Trezor and Ledger are top brands offering excellent security for your digital currency. They keep your private keys offline, away from online dangers like hacks and phishing. Using these wallets is recommended for their strong security features, giving users peace of mind about their Pi Network’s safety.

Security Measures

Alongside hardware wallets, there are more steps to secure your Pi Network. Creating strong, unique passwords for your accounts and wallets is vital. Adding multi-factor authentication (MFA) introduces an extra layer of security, needing more than just a password for access. Learn about Pi Network’s and supporting wallets’ security features, such as encryption and backup options. With Pi Network growing over 190% in the past year, securing your investment is crucial17.

It’s also key to keep up with Pi Network’s latest news, including its mainnet launch and any security updates. As the platform shifts coins to the mainnet and adopts new security measures, staying informed helps protect your investment. With these steps, you can be sure about the safety of your Pi holdings18.

Pi Network’s Future Outlook

The Pi Network is catching eyes as it grows. By mid-2024, it boasts over 55 million active users14. This shows a deep interest from the public. Experts think the price of Pi could hit $35.97 by early March 202414. It might even jump to between $55 and $65 later that year14. These changes offer both chances and risks for investors.

Some people doubt it, but predictions for Pi are looking up. On September 12, 2024, its trading volume was 252.65K, showing strong market activity13. By 2026, Pi is expected to cost between $90.47 and $98.8013. The average price might be about $91.9113. This hints at a hopeful yet cautious future for the currency.

Looking even further, by 2031, Pi could be worth at least $301.97 and at most $324.0013. Come 2033, we might see it ranging from $581.07 to $601.8513. These long-term predictions show that Pi has a lot of room to grow, thanks to more people using it and tech advancements.

Mid-2024 forecasts suggest Pi’s price will waver between $43 and $45. It’s expected to climb a bit by August14. The buzz about Pi’s mainnet debut is sparking a lot of talk. People are guessing about its impact and how it fits into the larger crypto world14. This mix of growing users, innovation, and market activity paints a hopeful picture for Pi’s future, despite the unpredictability of this field.


When thinking about Pi Network’s journey and its place in the crypto market, it’s vital to see its value as uncertain. The real worth of Pi crypto depends much on the network getting its mainnet running and gaining more market acceptance19. Now, with over 55 million users mining Pi coins by mid-2024, this big community might mean more growth and acceptance14.

Pi coin’s price has seen ups and downs. It hit $244 on January 1, 2023, fell to $19.7 by July 14, and then settled at $38.2819. These changes show why it’s crucial to keep up with the latest news on exchange listings and how many coins are out there. This helps understand the Pi network worth today better.

To really get the value of Pi Network, we have to look at market views, tech progress, and how active users are. With new updates and expectations for the future, staying in tune with trends and community talks is wise. For a deeper look at how rules changes could shake up decentralized finance, see this article.


What is the value of Pi Network today?

Pi Network’s price today is around .93. It shows there’s a lot of trading happening.

What is Pi Network?

Pi Network is a digital currency project started by Stanford alumni. It’s designed to allow easy mining on mobiles using the Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP). The project includes a mobile app, a browser, and a block explorer.

What is the current market price and trading volume of Pi Network?

Pi Network’s current price is about .93. It has a trading volume of more than 2,882 in the past day.

How has the price of Pi Network evolved over time?

Pi Network’s price has been up and down, reaching as high as 0.65. These changes show the cryptocurrency market’s speculative nature.

How volatile is Pi Network’s price?

Pi Network’s price changes a lot, showing big gains and losses quickly. This mirrors the sentiments and speculations of investors.

What does market sentiment towards Pi Network indicate?

The market’s view, shown by a Fear & Greed Index of 31 (Fear), indicates careful optimism about Pi Network.

What are the all-time high and low prices for Pi Network?

Pi Network has hit a high of 0.65 and a low of .04 in its history.

What is the market capitalization of Pi Network?

The market value of Pi Network isn’t known yet since it’s not officially listed. Market cap shows a cryptocurrency’s overall value.

What are the circulating and total supply of Pi Network?

The total supply is 68 million PI, out of a maximum of 100 billion PI. The circulating supply details aren’t available, affecting its value and rarity.

How much is Pi crypto worth today?

At the moment, Pi crypto stands at about .93. Its real value is still being determined as we wait for the mainnet to launch.

How has Pi Network’s price performed historically?

Looking back, Pi Network surged 400% in 2022 but saw an 86% drop in 2023. This shows it has had a bumpy ride.

Which are the best exchanges to trade Pi Network?

Right now, you can trade Pi Network IOUs on some exchanges. Binance, Kucoin, and Kraken might be key players once Pi officially launches.

What are the short-term and long-term price predictions for Pi Network?

Short-term forecasts focus on current trends and upcoming mainnet launches. Long-term guesses look at adoption, tech progress, and market expansion.

What factors influence the value of Pi Network?

The value of Pi Network hinges on market interest, usage rates, tech updates, and how useful the Pi Network ecosystem is.

How can you safely store Pi crypto?

To keep Pi crypto safe, it’s best to use hardware wallets like Ledger and Trezor. Also, make sure you follow all the security tips of your wallets and platforms.

What is the future outlook for Pi Network?

The future of Pi Network looks promising yet unpredictable. There’s a lot of expectation around its official launch and how it will fit into the market.
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